Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hi, I made you another sketch today. It is entitled 'J' for 'Jailbreak'. You might've noticed that I missed yesterday again. I'm really gonna try get these out once a day but some days I'm really so swamped it just can't happen. Anyway, I have a slightly less hectic day today (for now at least) so I'm gonna try get some more relaxed drawing done. Get to work some more on the kid's book i'm working on so i'm happy. Have a nice day.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Good day! Today's Daily Alphabet Sketch is 'I' for 'Igloo'. I'm sure if I have any international followers on here but I thought I'd give today's sketch a bit of South African humour... although I'm sure you get the just of it. Have a nice day.

Friday, March 25, 2011

And here's today's sketch, was a bit rushed so maybe not my best work but anyway, today's sketch is called 'H' for 'Hairy'

So yesterday was a bit rough for me and I had way too many things on my plate so this entry is a little late. Today's (actually yesterrday's) Daily Alphabet Sketch is 'G' for 'Gang of Geese'. Although I know that that the accepted collective noun is a "gaggle", after being viciously attacked by one as a child, I believe that "gang" is much more fitting.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

'F' for 'Frozen'

It's Daily Sketch time again! As some of you pointed out to me, the last Daily Sketch was on Friday! And there are a few reasons for the gap in between. Firstly, I'm only gonna do this on weekdays, I like to think that I might get to sleep in on the weekends (even though this rarely happens). Secondly I've recently become very busy and important and sadly don't always have time to get them out but will try my best to make one each day. Anyway today's sketch: 'F' for 'Frozen'

Friday, March 18, 2011

'E' for 'Elephant'

Wasn't sure I'd be able to find time to do today's sketch, but I snuck one in during the first half of the Sharks match (the last bit of time off I'm allowing myself this weekend) Today's sketch: 'E' for 'Elephant'

Thursday, March 17, 2011

'D' for "Dodgeball"

Today's Daily Aphabet Sketch is 'D' for "Dodgeball". I have to say, it's been really busy the past few days and nearly forgot to make a sketch! Luckily I forced myself to quickly get one out and it came out quite nicely.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cake or Death!

Daily Alphabet Sketch! Today is 'C' for "Cake or Death!" It's maybe a little dark, but it makes me chuckle. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica!

Good day everyone, time for my Daily Alphabet Sketch. For all "The Office" fans out there, this one is based on one of my favourite lines from the show. I'm sure it looks nothing like Battlestar Galactica but that's not the point anyway. Have a nice day and come back tomorrow for day "C"

Monday, March 14, 2011

Alphabet Sketches: A is for Astronaut

Good day everyone. Today starts a new endeavour of mine. It's going to be a daily sketch exercise, firstly to get me warmed up everyday, and possibly to keep a few people entertained. There are lots of people out there starting to do this now and it seemed like a pretty good idea.

I'm starting this out doing what I call Alphabet Sketches, so each day I draw something with a new letter. Today is A for Astronaut. Check in tomorrow to see what "B" is.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I am very pleased to show you my first published book EVER, for a book called My Ouma is a Rock-ster (My Grandma is a rock star), published by Lapa. My very own copy was delivered to me this weekend. It's about a boy whose grandmother is, as the title suggests, a rock star. He's not too keen on this as she's more focussed now on being famous and signing autographs than being a gran. Then she gets kidnapped and its up to the boy and his friend to save her.

I experienced a HUGE learning curve while illustrating this book. So many hours spent drawing (and even more re-drawing) and the amount of thought put into these was more than I had ever anticipated. But all in all I'm pretty proud of it. I've just finished my second book for Lapa (handed it in yesterday actually) and am starting my third. It's already so much easier and I learn more and more as I go along. Here are some of the illustrations from the book :)