Hi there!
Welcome to my blog! It's a pleasure to have you here. It's taken me ages to finally get this going, luckily enough as a result of too much work getting in the way.
I'm not sure at all what should be said in one's first post, but I thought I should start by introducing myself. My name is Stephen Wallace and I reside in Pretoria, South Africa. Ever since I was a wee lad with annoyingly red hair, the one thing I've always seemed to do better than anything else is draw.
So now that I'm all grown up (theoretically anyway) and my hair has thankfully darkened, that's what I now do for a living. I studied Information Design at Pretoria University and thereafter worked in advertising for three years as a graphic designer.
Towards the end of last year (2010) I decided to start my own business Wallace Illustration & Design where I specialise in illustration but am just as happy doing some design work as well. Please feel free to visit my official website www.wallaceillustrations.co.za for a taste of what I've done in the past. The aim of this blog is to keep you informed about the projects I will be doing, the fun I'll be having while doing it, the people who inspire me and any other weird, silly, crazy, stupid, exciting things that run through my mind.
I'm quite excited about what this year will bring, with a few projects under way already and a brand new toy (which I think deserves its own post a little later). Thank for reading all the way to this point of the post already, as a reward I promise to bring much more interesting things your way soon. So keep an eye out.
Until then, have a nice day.