After my Rugby World Cup calendars did so well last year, I felt like making some new ones for the Super 15 competition happening now. They've been up on my site for download since the beginning of the tournament, so if you haven't seen them yet I encourage you to go have a look :)
The players I chose are some of my favourite players from each South African team (apologies to New Zealand and Aussie teams, but I ran out of time to include everyone!)
Here's Lwazi Mvovo from the Sharks. (Sorry Lwazi, I didn't know you'd changed your hair before this)

One of my favourite players ever, Gio Aplon from the Stormers.

Josh Strauss, from the Lions. I picked Josh partly cos I like him as a player and partly cos his beard gives him so much character to draw.

Chilliboy Ralepelle from the Bulls. Partly chosen as one of my favourite players, and partly because of my bias from us going to the same school, haha. Again, sorry Chilli, you've also got more hair than shown below.

This guy is a monster on the field, Ashley Johnson from the Cheetahs, so much character in that fro too!