Hello! I'm back! Firstly I apologise to anyone who has been checking back here everyday for new sketches. The past week or so has been chaos and my mind is kindof on auto-pilot, and a shady auto-pilot at that, like one who got his pilot's license from a cereal box. So although I've been posting the new sketches on my Facebook page I sadly neglected the blog. So today, you get not one, but 9 Sketches! I apologise again for the tardy updating practices, but I'm back on top of things as of today.
'K' for 'Kudies'

'L' for 'Laser'

'M' for 'Minions'

'N' for 'Nosy'

'O' for 'OggleMonster'

'P' for 'Princess and the pee'

'Q' for 'Quarantine'

'R' for 'Rugby Players'
'S' for 'Sasquatch'

Thank you. There's a bit more information for each sketch on my Facebook Page, so if you want to know what I was thinking you can have a look here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Wallace-Illustration-Design/126514174068091